Twitch / Beam LIVE Stream: Nintendo's Luigi

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Twitch / Mixer LIVE Stream:
Nintendo's Luigi
This illustration was created during a simultaneous broadcast on both Twitch and Mixer.  While streaming I gave pointers and tips to the viewers on how to create characters.  I also answered questions when asked by my audience.

My idea was to create a design of Luigi from Super Mario Brothers, that had both a retro and modern feel.  This was accomplished with the 90 degree angles of his legs and arms as well as some of the techniques I used to add highlights.

Follow my feed on Twitch by clicking HERE...
or click HERE to view my feed on Mixer.
Here is a screen capture where you can see how the original illustration started out as sketch in a sketch book.  I then imported the sketch into Adobe Illustrator.
Final stream telling how the illustration was created on Twitch and Beam using Adobe Illustrator and a Wacom Cintiq Companion.
Here is the final image and it is now available in my Redbubble online shop.  Click HERE to visit the shop.
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