Being able to create content that can be viewed via multi-channel marketing is important in today's world and something that I truly excel in. Here you will find various content I have produced or have worked on for various companies. Please note that I can not share everything due to non-disclosure agreements, however I will update this with new items when I can.
Individual articles are available in PDF format. Simply send me an email to request a copy of a particular article.
Individual articles are available in PDF format. Simply send me an email to request a copy of a particular article.
Lürzer's Archive
It has been a honor to collaborate with the world's leading magazine for advertising. Being selected as a guest blogger and producing original content that marketing community would find intriguing was pure pleasure. My first post is entitled THE ART OF PRESENTING YOUR WORK. I am currently working on a new post for the magazine's blog.
Read my article on the official Lürzer's Archive site by clicking HERE.

WYCC PBS Chicago
I was contacted by WYCC PBS Chicago about doing a guest blog after they read one of my Tweets. The topic was to discuss a specific theme that came up during one of the Presidential Debates. My goal was to create an article that would be of interest to their television viewers in order to spark more interest in viewing the WYCC PBS website and blogs.

Working alongside one of the leading companies in the digital art world has been a true privilege.
I have collaborated with Wacom in several different ways. This has included gallery curation, original content creation, and contests.
Curating the Wacom gallery on Behance has been quite fun, because I get to directly interact with artists by selecting their work to be featured. The Wacom Gallery is updated every eight hours with a new feature artist that I have selected.
Working closely with Wacom's PR team, I was tasked to interview several well known creatives that are trending at the moment. This included: selecting the artist (and contacting them), creating unique questions specified for each artist, selecting the imagery that would be featured in the articles. This also required me to utilize SEO Keywords in order to make the articles more searchable on the internet. Of course there is additional work that goes on behind the scenes when creating original content and something I can share with those who are interested in learning more.
In 2015, I began collaborating with the new Social Media Manager to develop contests that would increase the desire to work with Wacom products as well as connect with their community on Behance. So far we have launched a Halloween and Holiday Art contests.... and we have more contests planned that will enable to increase the awareness of their products.
In 2017, I worked with Wacom to produce a new initiative to promote the Wacom Gallery. Step one was to publish a new article that would reintroduce the Wacom community to the Wacom Gallery. The next step was to produce an article with a video to provide inspiration on how to set up projects more creatively.
Wacom InfoChannel article featuring illustrator Steve Simpson.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.

Wacom InfoChannel article featuring Peter Jaworowski, co-founder and executive creative director at Ars
Thanea (now part of SYZYGY).
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.
Thanea (now part of SYZYGY).
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.

Wacom InfoChannel article featuring illustrator / character designer Kerem Beyit.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.

Wacom InfoChannel article featuring graffiti artist Diego Della Posta ( aka Mr. THOMS ).
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.

Wacom InfoChannel article featuring illustrator / character designer Caroline Vos.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.
**NOTE: This articles is now available as a PDF per request.

Wacom InfoChannel article featuring special effects art director Luis Guggenberger from Trixter.
This was special article written prior to the release of Mavel's Avengers Age of Ultron. Since Luis and Trixter had worked on several Marvel films the idea was to give the article a story like essence. I then utilized SEO Keywords that related to both the film and comic book industry to make it more searchable. I also correlated the idea of Luis being a real life digital super hero, which really enabled me to use even more keywords.
This was special article written prior to the release of Mavel's Avengers Age of Ultron. Since Luis and Trixter had worked on several Marvel films the idea was to give the article a story like essence. I then utilized SEO Keywords that related to both the film and comic book industry to make it more searchable. I also correlated the idea of Luis being a real life digital super hero, which really enabled me to use even more keywords.

Join the Wacom Gallery
The purpose to spread awareness of the Wacom Gallery to new users and reignite the interest of previous users. This would help the Wacom community find inspiration for their work. Wacom in turn would also be able to discover new talent as new artists joined the Wacom Gallery.
To read the article click HERE.
How to Your Artwork Creatively on the Wacom Gallery
This was the followup article, in which we shared how the Wacom Gallery is curated but also provided a video sharing tips on how to showcase a project creatively. The video featured the work of Steve Simpson and Peter Jaworoski.
**No longer online after update and rebranding of the Wacom InfoChannel.
Contest Creation
Wacom Halloween Contest
This was my first collaboration with the new Social Media Manager at Wacom Europe. We wanted to created a contest that would be interesting to both the Wacom and Behance communities. The idea was to have a contest that lasted a week where artists would create a new Halloween creature each day. I promoted the contest via LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram, and Facebook... because I am already established in several online art communities.
**No longer online after update and rebranding of the Wacom InfoChannel.
Wacom Winter Behance Contest
With this contest the Social Media Manager and myself wanted to use an idea similar to the Wacom Halloween Contest, but with some changes. Instead of artists creating artwork each day, each week would have a theme. Thus artists would have more time to create imagery. Changing the dynamic makes the contest more interesting each time. Again, I promoted this in various Social Media networks... including LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram and Facebook.
**No longer online after update and rebranding of the Wacom InfoChannel.
For several years, I have created both online and offline content for Adobe. Through community development and peer marketing I have been able to engage Adobe's creative community.
In 2014 and 2016, I worked with Adobe Germany to produce two conferences. This also included promoting the events through Social Media. For the 2016 conference, in order to expand our reach, I created a social media campaign where all 50+ participants had their own personalized Social Media Square that they could share in their networks. You cane see a couple examples below and find more by click HERE.

In 2015, I became part of the Adobe Community Professionals Program. As an ACP member I have been given a badge and can answer questions that the community posts in the forums. This form of peer engagement and giving advice on how to solve creative problems is a great way for the community to interact and learn from each other. Additionally, I have given several lectures on various topics to the ACP community on things such as Adobe's Mobile Apps, Behance/Adobe Portfolio and Adobe Character Animator. To learn more about these lectures click HERE and scroll down to section entitled: ONLINE COURSES AND LECTURES.

In October 2016, I was asked by Edge Gain if I would like to give a lecture for an Adobe Generation Professional / Adobe Education Exchange Course via Adobe Connect. The courses are hosted through an Adobe community eLearning site. The lecture was a success and they enjoyed how I engaged the participants while giving my lecture. Because of this I was to invited to present more lectures for other courses for the APAC and European region. Then in 2017, I was offered to become an instructor / tutor in their Digital Me course. I was the official instructor for the European Region, which included managing the class for this region and giving live demos. I also created additional course material using Adobe Video Presenter Express for the website and further interacted with the participants in the forums by answering questions and reviewing assignments. To view the content that I created for this program please click HERE and scroll down to the section: ONLINE COURSES AND LECTURES.

In this screen capture, I am doing a live demo during the class on how to create a CV / Resume that is visually creative using Adobe Illustrator. During these live sessions, I am utilizing a Logitech c922 Pro Stream Webcam, Blue White Textured Snowball Microphone and my Wacom Cintiq Companion 2.
In was approached by BenQ and asked if I would like to become one of their influencers.
The first task was to create a review for the BenQ PD3200U monitor. I viewed several other reviews published by other creatives and felt they all looked as if they text was copied directly out of monitor's press release. So for my review I really wanted to use my voice and humanize the article. The review also gives the reader an inside peak into my home studio. You can read it by clicking HERE.
BenQ then reshared my review on their site. You read see the cross promotion HERE.
I was also asked to create a video. I opted to create a simple 'Day In The Life Of' style video that was not over the top. Naturally, I could have given the video some hardcore effects... but I want to keep it down to the earth and fun. I will be getting a different monitor and I will probably create a more action packed video for that. But this video had to show the fun playful side of my creativity.
I was also asked to be a judge on an Instagram contest, where the BenQ community was asked to create a new screensaver. The winner would recieve not only a new monitor but also 3000 € . BenQ promoted myself along with the other judges on their Instagram channel. Click HERE to take a look.

The contest was for the EMEA region, thus they created several banners in various languages. This is the German version that I used along with the English version.