Featured on Adobe's I AM THE NEW CREATIVE site.
My work is constantly being featured on various websites, thus I try to maintain a list of places that feature me or my work. The list will be updated as more links are discovered.
If you would like to feature me or my work please send me an email.
Copywriter Collective UK
In 2018, the Copywriter Collective featured several of my older LinkedIn aticles. You can read them by clicking on the various titles.
BenQ Expert Studio
As a BenQ Influnecer, I have been featured on their site.
Imaginess pulished an interview with me on their website. You can read the following article by clicking HERE.
CGTrader Blog
My project entitled 'Rhein Pirates' was selected as one of the TOP 7 best entries submissions to the CGTrader Digital Art Competition. It is now featured on their blog under Object Design Concepts and can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Also it can be viewed on their Instagram feed as well. Click HERE to view.
Another piece that I submited was featured on their Pinterest page. Click HERE to view.
The Art Hunters
Several pieces of my work have been featured on The Art Hunters Blog. To view the blog please click HERE.
Open Art Surgery Short Film Festival - Judge - Düsseldorf, Germany
Judge for the Open Art Surgery Film Festival that took place in October 2016 in Düsseldorf.
Adobe Generation Professional / Edge Gain - Guest Lecturer - Topic "Jumping Back Into Animation"
On October 5th, 2016 I was featured lecturing for Adobe Generation Professional where I talked about my experience getting back into animation. Course was hosted via Adobe Connect to a global audience.
Adobe Deutchland's Facebook Live stream coverage of the Adobe Creative Meet Up & Networking Conference.
Adobe Deutschland produced three Facebook Live streams. The first stream includes me talking about Behance and the community that I created in Germany.
4 Tips On Marketing Yourself
I like to share advice to creatives on how to market themselves. Salman Abdo found my insights to be intriguing and decided to publish some of my tips.
Behance International Portfolio Review Week 8 Video.
If you pause 41 seconds in you will see me speaking at a Behance Event holding a copy of Advanced
Photoshop Magazine.
If you pause 41 seconds in you will see me speaking at a Behance Event holding a copy of Advanced
Photoshop Magazine.
Earned a feature/curation on the Pantone Canvas Gallery:
Featured as "Kreativer des Tages" (Creative of the Day) on August 7th, 2015.
15 Impressive Beverage Advertisements
Guest blogger covering 1st 2012 Presidential Debate
Cirkumfleks Magazine:
SDCC Comic Con Blog:
Found Art Project
Incredible SNAPs:
Stunning Día de los Muertos Make-up Art
Design Swan:
17 Amazing Día de los Muertos Sugar Skull Make-up Art
15 Examples of Dia de Los Muertos Make-up Art
Bored Panada:
15 Gorgeous Day of the Dead Skull Makeups
Los mejores maquillajes de Día de Muertos
Trend Hunter:
Hip Hop Humanimals
Cindy On Interesting:
15 Gorgeous Day of the Dead Skull Makeups
**NOTE : If you wish to report a link that is no longer working or report a new page where you found my work then simply send me an email.