LinkedIn and Medium Articles

Creating original content that engages people is a skill that I have learned over time. LinkedIn's Pulse is another way to publish content that can reach your network quickly, while at the same time is easily found by other LinkedIn users.
My idea was to create articles that are relevant to topics such as Marketing, Social Media, Community Development, Tech, Software, Creativity and the Games Industry.
This turned out to be brilliant and now I have over 4000 followers on my LinkedIn Pulse feed. This also has been a good way for me to answer questions that I receive from followers, thus helping others in the process.
Social Media and the Freelancer
As a freelancer you are essentially your own Public Relations firm, thus this article explains how social media can be used to promote your artwork.
Setting Up a Project on Behance
There are several ways to showcase your work on Behance, however this article explains in detail how to set up projects that will attract attention.
Don't Let People Say You Can't, Because You Can!
As a creative or professional artist you should not be scared to experiment or try new things. Thus, this article was written to inspire artists to be bold and learn new skills. Being a multi talented creative makes you more marketable in the art world. It also encourages artists not to give up on their dreams or goals.
The Power of Networking
Networking is essential to the success of an artist. Whether it be through meeting new people face to face or via online, networking is way to open up new doors to new possibilities.
The Joys of Keynote Speaking
Having been a keynote speaker, I explain how to make a successful keynote speech. Also, I share the importance of knowing your audience, the power of improve, and that not all jokes work in different countries.
Behance vs. Behance ProSite
Whether you utilize the standard Behance portfolio or the Behance ProSite, the key is to showcase your
artwork in the best way that represents who you are as an artist. In this article you can explore and learn more about both versions of the Behance experience.
Every Creative Should Carry A Sketch Book
As a creative it is important carry a sketch book, it does not matter what type of creative you are. One also
must overcome the fear of people staring at them, because those people may actually enjoy what you are
creating. Also discover the popular trend of Sketch Noting / Graphic Recording.
Finding Inspiration
Inspiration can come at any moment... finding real world inspiration and adapting it to your artwork makes
you the sole owner. Get out into the world be inspired, yes you can always view others work... but finding
your own inspiration is much more gratifying in the long run.
Instagram vs. InstaSCAM
As a creative, social media can be an amazing tool to promote your work. However, how can one avoid
scams taking place on such platforms as Instagram?
Facebook: Promotional Tool For Creatives
Here I discuss why Facebook is a necessary evil and how it can be a great promotional tool for artists.
GAMESCOM... More than just gaming!
When people think about Gamescom they first think about the gaming industry; however, Gamescom can
also provide great lessons on PR and marketing as well.
Gamescom / GDCEurope and Beyond...
After attending Gamescom and GDCEurope, I decided to write up a follow-up article regarding the
conferences / exhibitions.
Advertising Agencies and Social Media
If you are an advertising agency it is great when you maintain a good social media feed. However, when
your feed sits there for months or even years it is quite the opposite.
6 Degrees of Social Media
This article discusses how social media connects us even closer than before. The 6 Degrees of Separation
is broken down in today's world. So how can Social Media benefit a person and a company?
Community Development in the Modern Age
In this article I explore how Community Development is important. Creating bonds between
ourselves and others... and connecting brands/services/products to those who utilize them.
CONTRACTS: Protect your artwork.
In today's world, it is very important to protect the work that you create. How can an artist or creative
protect his or her her ideas?
Here I talk more about the Keynote Speech that I created for the What's Next? Conference in Lithuania.
There are many ways a company or a person can engage their community and followers. One means is by creating things that they can interact with.... and contests are always a winner.
I wanted go into detail and share my personal experience speaking at the What's Next? Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.
With this piece, I discuss how over branding and over marketing can be harmful.
In this article I walk through the process of creating my new logo.
Many trends in marketing can have successful longevity, while others simply become tiresome.
Here I talk about how subscribing to services that generate fake likes on Social Media can damage one's credibility.
I am a Firefox fan, however there are several sites moving away from being Firefox friendly.
I wanted to list all my articles for the Wacom InfoChannel in simple article where readers could easily find them.
Last Fall Scott Belsky announced the migration to Adobe Portfolio. Because of this I decided to write a quick piece on the new platform and share my new site!
Sometimes brands follow trends and sometimes after too many brands or even companies jump on board these trends lose their power. Here I talk about the "R" Effect and how it went from clever to being overly cloned by other companies.
I found the marketing of McDonald's Happy Meals to be interesting. Enough so I decided write an article that discusses the difference that one can see by crossing a border in Europe. It was more a fun piece!
I received emails from followers asking about my next article. Since I had been working on the Adobe Creative MeetUp Conference I have not had much time to sit and write. So I decided to write an article on how my skills in advertising, film/tv production and social media could be combined to produce a conference.
In this article I discuss how SnapChat relies heavily on creating fads and does not focus truly on their longevity.
Although the game might not be as popular as it was, this article discusses how at the time it was changing the way some mobile games are played.
Virtual Reality played a big part in 2016's Gamescom. Here I cover my experience testing out VR at one of the biggest games conferences in the world.
Visiting Wacom's new headquarters in Europe was quite interesting. Here is an inside peek into one of my many visits.
The games industry is not just about playing and developing games, it is also about marketing games to players worldwide.
Presentation is everything and marketing also plays a big part when it comes to showcasing a brand at an Expo or Trade Fair.
Influencer and peer marketing has become a way that brands can attract new customers and generate a stronger brand awareness. This article discusses the streaming platforms... Twitch and Mixer.
In this article I discuss Guerrilla Games' Horizon Zero Dawn... from character development to environmental design.
Here I share an inside look at the Supernova Kaunas Creative Innovation Festival that took place in Lithuania.
Digital Dragons is a conference for the games industry that takes place in Poland. Learn more about the conference by reading this article.
There is quite a lot to cover when it comes to corporate branding. This article provides a basic overview on how to begin the process.
It is sad, but many people on social media fall for these scams. Con artists target users daily on Facebook by sending friend requests. However, it seems that Facebook does little to stop this unlike their sister company Instagram.
GDC Europe and Respawn was replaced with devcom. Launching in 2017, it became the number one development conference for the games industry in Europe.
If you missed devcom in 2018, here is a quick recap of the presentation by Twitch's Ethan Evans. This is a must read for those interested in marketing and community development.
Blizzard has an amazing community, Saralyn explains how one can manage a community and create brand loyalty.
This article is not only great for photographers but for any business as it provides the principles to create a brand identity.
This article reviews the PD3200U monitor produced by BenQ. The review has since been featured on the BenQ corporate website. You can also view the BenQ feature HERE.
This article discusses the Open Development Method when it comes to developing a game. It also covers how this can be successfully achieved.
Social Media should not just include static, one can also utilize dynamic aniamted imagery. One way to do this is by using Adobe's Character Animator.
Ever want to learn how to utilize LinkedIn in to its fullest potential? One way is to become a true networker and form real bonds with people in your industry. This article showcases the difference between actually connecting with people on LinkedIn and collecting people.

The articles that I have created on Medium are not only been published for my followers, but also for companies such as BenQ and Linearity GmbH. I sometimes create articles specifically for Medium, however I also migrate some articles over from LinkedIn as well.
This article features an interview that I did with logo and lettering designer William Paterson. Not only is a Will a well known creative, he has a following of over 300K subscribers on his YouTube channel. Thus, Will is not only a recognized creative but a very successful YouTuber.
For Linearity and Vectornator's community it is important help share information that will help aspiring creatives on the path to becoming professional artists. In this interview, senior DDB creative Maya Brenner shares her journey and gives advice that will help creatives land their dream career.
Behance is a platform where artists can showcase their portfolio. This article explains how to create and publish a project on a Behance.
Behance is a platform where artists can showcase their portfolio. This article explains how to create and publish a project on a Behance.
Many artists wonder how they can earn money from their creations. Redbubble is a platform where creatives can monetize their artwork.
Many artists wonder how they can earn money from their creations. Redbubble is a platform where creatives can monetize their artwork.
Artists must realize that they are their own Marketing and Public Relations Director. This article gives advice on how artists can market themselves better and gain the exposure that their artwork deserves.
After attending Gamescom in 2019, I decided write an article on how publishers, studios and developers can better present their games to the press or media. This article compares three different group presentations that I attended and highlights the one company that did the best in presenting their game.
Can you believe has celebrated its 20th anniversary? In this article, I share the little bit of the history behind the popular publishing software.
That's right, Scooby and those meddling kids have been solving mysteries for 50 years and are still going strong.
Randy Varnell spoke at Devcom about how Gearbox Software developed a narrative team for Borderlands 3.