The Misplaced Souls: Story 1

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The Misplaced Souls: Story 1
You might ask why I decided to name this project the way that I did.  This series of UrbEx Photos will take you on a journey of a building in Germany that served as place for youths and then later from my understanding a home for senior citizens.
As you see the photos, I want you first view the images through my eyes. Then close imagine what this building might have been like as place for youths and then as for seniors.  Try to conceptualize the movement of people through the corridors before the structure was left.  In this, way you will visualize the Misplaced Souls that once resided there.
This is only the first part of this journey, the following stories will be released soon.  The series will be available soon for gallery exhibitions.
**Please note:  That I UrbEx Photography is an art form and has its risks.  If you ever pursue this type of exploration, then look up the risks and the unwritten rules.  The main one being: "Take Photos, Leave Footprints!"
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