Superbowl 2017 Motion Graphic

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Superbowl 2017 Motion Graphic
Originally this started out as logo created in Adobe Illustrator to be used for a football team in Germany who is hosting a Superbowl viewing at a cinema.  The image was intended to be used in their social media channels. 

Once I had the logo completed, I thought it actually might be quite interesting to create a motion graphic out of it that also could be utilized in their social media channels.  The animation was created in Adobe Animate CC.  The animation is quite short as it was not necessary to create anything longer.  Theoretically, because of this it could also be turned into an animated gif as well.
The animation was updated to feature the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons.  Thus, the helmets were modified and the promotional information was added to the animation.
The original helmet was created using Adobe Illustrator.  Because it is a vector graphic it can easily be changed.  For example it can be modernized or the colors can be adjusted to represent another team.
Here you can see how the original helmet was modernized to match that of the current New Englang Patriot's helmet.  However, in the video we decided not to add the team logo as we wanted to avoid any copyright issues. It was enough for the German market to simply utilize the team colors.
The Atlanta Falcons helmet remained almost the same.  The colors were adjust to match those of the team.
The animation reached just under 23K by Super Bowl Sunday.  For a local event this is an outstanding number.  Three variables played a factor in this: the animation itself, the use of approriate hashtags within the main post and finally the paid boost on Facebook.  Out of the promotions created for this event, this was by far the post with the greatest reach and showcases how Social Media can create a larger voice.
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