Sketchbook 2015: Inktober & More

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Sketchbook 2015:
Inktober & More
You never know what you will find in my sketchbook.... I like to experiment with different styles and try new techniques.  I am a highly versatile artist, so to me it is important to be free and explore what I can create.
This year I tried to partake in Inktober as well... although I did not have time to sketch every day.  But I did my best to share the images via my Instagram and Twitter feeds. 
Sometimes sketches are random.... sometimes not.  An ad agency posted a question in their Instagram feed asking what people would wish for...  naturally I responded by saying a GIANT SPEAKING TACO!  Guessing they did not expect that answer.... well this is the result of my response to them.
I drew this in the train to Trier...  Gamescom was coming up and suddenly I felt the need to create something from Super Mario Brothers....  Princess Peach decided to grace the page of my sketchbook on that trip.
Probably not my favorite sketch of the Joker that I have drawn... but it turned out to be really popular in my social media channels.  So just because I was not into the sketch did not mean that others did not enjoy it. Sometimes a quick sketch can be appreciated by those who follow my feeds.
This was drawn on Back To The Future Day, which happened to fall during Inktober.... gotta love Marty McFly!
While discussing a potential Star Wars Art arrticle with a Disney Publicist... I ended up being inspired to create Princess Leia.
Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice...
Will Slimer make an appearance in the new GHOSTBUSTERS film?  If not he has worked his way into my sketchbook.
Inktober seemed like a Never Ending Story!
Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands.
Everyone's favorite Wookiee from Star Wars....  Chewbacca.
Maurice Sendak's Max from Where The Wild Things Are.  This is actually was turned into a graphic.
I thought it could be interesting if the Little Prince were to have a sequel, where he is a few years older.
A rock-a-billy version of Snow White.
Gotham's Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma (aka The Riddler).
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