Berlin Street Art
I have a love for Street Art and enjoy seeking out artwork to photograph.  I was very fortunate to be able to come across some great works while in Germany.  There are several works to be viewed around Hackeschermarkt.
This image was taken in 2007, and the following image was taken in 2009. It illustrates the changes a wall can undergo.
In 2007 I did not walk all the way to the back of the alley at Hackeschermarkt.  This time I did... and I was so surprised to see all the of art.
UPDATE: The rabbit monster seen here is the work of Grafro.
I was really excited to see a piece by Miss Van.

UPDATE: The character next to Miss Van's piece is called "Little Lucy" and was created by an artist known as El Bocho.
UPDATE: Since creating this gallery I have seen more of this guys work, but now I can name the artist....  His name is Bimer.
It was great to see a small piece by London Police as well.
I love this because UFO is from NYC.  Of course I am not sure if this is a copycat.

UPDATE:  I just found out that Berlin also has a UFO Crew.  I am not sure if they are connected to the one here in NYC.  But I think that is some really interesting info to know.
UPDATE: Another piece created by Bimer.  I really like how and where he places his artwork!
This was the first time I had seen Jaz's work.
Kreuzberg is another area of Berlin where you can find amazing streetart. Artists from around the world go there. I did not get a chance totake a picture of Os Gemeos's artwork.... But luckily I have been ableto photograph their work in New York City.
UPDATE: I just learned that the eyes are the work Emess.
My wife poses in front of mural of Kreuzberg.
I took this picture in Kreuzberg.  After coming back to the US, I noticed that the tag by Alias also appears in one of the pictures I took at Hackeschermarkt.
I had to include a close-up of this image.  It just made me feel at home although I was 1000s of miles away from New York City.

UPDATE: This image was created of Spike Lee was created by Mto.  I would like to give Mto a special thank you for taking the time to email the names of some of the other artists featured in this series of photos.  I really appreciate it!
I really wanted to do more exploring in Berlin and take more pictures of street art.... Unfortunately, I only had two days in Berlin this time.  I had to see family, my wife's friends, and one of my fraternity brothers who lives in Berlin.  So.... I really did not get to take as many pictures of the street art in Berlin as I would have liked to.  Kreuzberg has a lot of amazing art, and I would have loved to take some pictures of the artwork of the fist that appears around the elevated Strassenbahn tracks.  WIE SCHADE!

If anyone knows the names of the artists that appear in the pictures.  Please post them or email me.  I live in New York City and I really love street art and like learning about the various artists.

UPDATE: To learn more about some of the artists whose work appears in this series of photographs you visit...
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