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Version 2.0
I decided to create another vector graphic based on Sombra from Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch.  For this version I decided to go with a completely new style.  This time, I wanted to give her a more traditional Manga style appearance.

This image was created using a Wacom MobileStudio Pro and Adobe Illustrator.  Below you will see the design from sketch to final vector graphic.

This is the final version of Sombra.  Below you will see the process photos.  Sometimes I start with pencil and ink then move into the digital realm.  I hope that you enjoy viewing the behind the scene shots.

Here you can see the pencil and ink sketch that was created in a sketchbook given to me by my friends at Adobe Stock!

This was the beginning of the line art.  I tend to use Adobe Illustrator to create line  art.

I have been working on Wacom Devices since 2015 and I would never go back to using a mouse.  Being able to draw directly on the screen gives me more freedom to create.

This was the beginning phase of adding color.  At first I was going to give her a darker skin tone, but I felt that she was a little too dark, so I went with more of a tan.  Also, I have since went back and corrected her right eye to match the left one.  Sometimes as a graphic progresses you have to make slight changes.

email: kshinabery212@gmail.com
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