Overwatch: Sombra - Vector Graphic

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I think by now many of those who follow my artwork and my streams know that I am an Overwatch fan. 

When Sombra was introduced into the game she quickly became one of my favorite heroes to play.  Thus, while on a train from Berlin to Düsseldorf, I decided to do a quick sketch of her.  The illustration became immediately popular on my Instagram feed.  Thus, I decided to digitize her.... and if any Overwatch character deserves digitizing it is Sombra!

I decided that I wanted to create her as vector graphic.  So she is entirely vectors.... even the hexagons behind her are vectors.  However, the background and lens flares were added in Photoshop.
The original hand drawn illustration using my trusty Pentel Quicker Clicker Mechanical Pencil and Sakura Pigma Micron Fineliners.
The initial outline created in Adobe Illustrator.
The completed image of Sombra from the popular Blizzard Entertainment Game... OVERWATCH!
"Everything can be hacked... and everyone." - Sombra
email: kshinabery212@gmail.com
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