Cityscape 1.1
The idea behind this project was to create a simple cityscape that could be used in an animation featuring various types of characters.
If you are from NYC, you will notice a few things that are tributes to the city... especially if you have lived there for years! For instance there is a store in my cityscape with the name "Patricia in a Field" and a club called "Coney Island High" which features the names of real bands who played at the original club. If you follow my work you will recognize the coffee shop logo from another one of my projects for Wacom.
The entire city was created using Adobe Illustrator on a Cintiq Companion 2, thus it is very easy to change the colors and structures of buildings. Also if used in Adobe Animate one could create a city where characters could be interacted with. So there are many possibilities on how it this backdrop could be utilized.

Various elements were created such as fire hydrants, street signs, dumpsters, air conditioners and even blinds to make each part of the cityscape a little unique.

As you can see the buildings were created so that they could be easily changed. in various ways... one can add or remove elements and even change the color scheme. Thus, from the standard building set, one could create 100s of variations.
