80's Mix Tape Robot
Danny Caldwell, (a friend that I worked with on Nickelodeon's U-Pick Live) sent me a message and told me that he was opening up a robot themed art gallery called Zero Uno Zero Robotics.  He asked if I would be interested in submitting some work to the gallery.  He also said that I could submit designs that could be used on various products as well.

The idea sounded really interesting. So, I responded by saying I would immediately get my gears turning, and see what kinds of robots I could produce.

I knew that other artists would probably submit your standard retro metal toy robot circa 1950s...  But I thought, why not take that concept one step further by creating a graphic that was a little more hip and that could be printed on various types of products.  Thus, I decided to bring the old metal toy robot from the 1950s into the 1980s.

The 80's Mix Tape Robot was born!!!  Complete with a mix tape and his lighter, this little guy is ready rock out to any retro mix that you have spinning or playing on your MP3 player.

The concept started out as a quick sketch that I was able to upload to Adobe Illustrator and work with.
The idea was to keep it simple in design that way it could easily be reproduced on a variety of products.

Pascal was the first Mix Tape Robot to roll of the factory line.  A template for future generations of 80's Mix Tape Robots.
He is the type of robot that is not afraid to get into the middle of the crowd.  Although his attempts at crowd surfing usually end in quite a disaster.

Sam was the second prototype to be released into the world.  You can find him at seedy dive bars in Hell's Kitchen listening to cover bands.

Clementine the generation three 80's Mix Tape Robot.  Granted there were some bugs and because of this she tends to end up at Justin Bieber Concerts.  This poor confused robot may not know where to find good concerts.... alas, she follows all the groupies to whatever teenybopper show is playing.

Then along came Danny, named after the creator of the Zero Uno Zero Gallery.  Danny goes to every show that comes through town and has almost every band's autograph.  All though downloading autographs via his wifi does not really count as actually getting them in person.  But he rocks out with the best of them!

Gene was the first 80s Mix Tape Robot created as a special addition tribute to KISS.  He is able to sing every song produced by KISS, however his voice was not perfected so he sounds like a bad version of Karaoke.  Thus, Gene is not asked to sing at concerts. 
Ziggy was created as a tribute robot to David Bowie,  Equipped with a light show, Ziggy is really able to provide a psychedelic kick to any party.  However, this robot is quite unpredictable and tends to use illegal motor oil to loosen up before he attends a concert.
email: kshinabery212@gmail.com

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